Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hey guys!

Sorry, I didn't post for so long! I've been extremely busy lately. I'm in the middle of moving (packing, change of address etc...) I'm recording a 6 songs EP with my band and on top of that we have a lot of concerts and practices etc... etc...
Life is CRAZY!
I apologize for not answering your comments.

Anders and S.D. : Yes, I've been really influence by Regis Loisel in my early years. He is not my favorite anymore though. This graphic novel is 5 to 6 years old. I'm not quite sure which style I would have if I was to start a new project now.

Anders, here are a few more pages of this project. Be merciful! :) It's OLD!!
I also posted one page back in August if you are interested.

See you guys later.
Take care


I run out of space at the end of the album to tell all I wanted to tell. It's way too busy and confusing but hey, I was young and unexperienced! :)

Now that I read it I think: WOW! The dialogues are SO cheesy and weak!


Anders said...

Hey Seb!
good to see you here again (on va regarder tes bôs (vraiment superbes!) dessins sur le blog d'avalanche software mais on ose pas trop y poster, histoire de pas interferer...)
oooops, I missed the august page... sorry for that (huge composition!!! et quelle plongée!! mise en abime, j'aime ça!)...
I'll be mercifull, it's pretty good for the youngblood you were at this time, I mean good compositions, good shapes and colors and les ambiances sont supers (désolé, je mixe les 2 langues, il est presque 3 heures du mat' ici, mon cerveau est à la rue...)
you know, here in france and now, you could see some crap published that are miles away from this great thing you are presenting to us, it makes me sick.
thanks a lot for sharing some new pages!!!

A BAND??? WHAT BAND??? have you planed an european tour???? can't wait to buy my ticket!

bon courage pour ton déménagement en tout cas, je te proposerais bien de te donner un petit coup de main mais, vois tu, tu es un petit peu loin là pour ma 4L... (remember what 4Ls look like? lol)

take care too,
see you soon!!!

Unknown said...

I love tho mood of your work. Beautiful colors. You have a great talent!

Marco Bucci said...

wow - great looking pages! They still hold up, even though you say they're old. Good luck with the band and the move!

S.D. said...

Chouette! Gallego is back! :)
Pinaise, tes planches, elles sont superbes! (rooooh, la tête du chien!!! :p J'adore!) Tu sais, on réclame tes dessins, mais en fait c'est du masochisme primaire, puisque 1) Tu dessines un peu trop bien, 2) Maintenant on est appâté et on aimerait connaitre les tenants et les aboutissants de cette histoire...
En attendant que tu aies un peu plus de temps et d'énergie pour faire du "neuf", je t'envoie par la pensée plein de courage pour ton déménagement et ta trépidante vie de musiqueux!

Anonymous said...

Je suis en mode "OFF" depuis un bon moment... mais tôt ou tard, je vais revenir...
En attendant si tu savais à quel point je suis intrigué par cette nouvelle page depuis plusieurs jours. A un point, mais à un point !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said... is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.